The Concept of Land Taxation - 토지제도의 이해

  • The idea of the royal land(왕토사상) is that all lands belong to the king.
  • In the *Jeonju **Jeongak system, Jeonju has a right of Sujogwon.
  • In the ***Jiju ****Jeonho system, Jiju has an ownership.
  • In exchange for the official's service, the goverment paid Nokbong(Salary) and Sujogwon(Right to be Jeonju).
  • In the Daedong Law, the standard for imposing public payments was changed from 戶 to land.

* Renters - No real properties only have right to get fees 
** Tenants - Have real properties but have to pay the tax to the Jeonju
*** Renters - Have real properties and right to get fees 
***** Tenants - Rent the real properties and have to pay the tax to the Jiju


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